BREAKING: Trump MISTRIAL details | George Clooney’s Netanyahu SECRET LEAKS!!



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Nancy Pelosi should be stopped. Once and for all. Im so sick of her.


  1. You are speaking of the most corrupt administration since the Obama, Clinton, and Johnson administrations of course he will pardon Hunter for and crimes he is found guilty of committing unless he wants Hunter dead because even if Crackhead can keep his mouth shut the Cabal members will not assured of him remaining silent.

  2. Nuttier than Squirrel turds George Looney’s support will do nothing to heighten Biden’s image just another hypocrite like the Biden’s and John Kerry with their ruse of being do gooders.

    Anyone with money or people in Congress who are anti 2nd Amendment the reason for that is they have armed Security Guards covering their slimy butts.

    How strange that George and his equally as crazy wife are only stateside when a presidential election year rolls around.

    • Remember, John Wayne and Ronald Reagan both said that Hollywood was nothing but commie lovers, and well, you have the proof. Their love of power and money rules their lives, screw the rest of us. Remember also JFK’s father was a commie and Nancy Pelosi’s father and brother were both being watched by the FBI here in Baltimore. The apples do not fall far from the trees.

  3. No nato does not even have the roads or the military for such a war and nuke war is out of the question thier will be no nuke war until Russia turns it’s war machine on Isreal

  4. What has Georgie Peorgie put in his Pie ?
    I’ve always hated his movies and his ” white privilege ” !!!!
    Do you think his elite wife would be upset if she woke to a Machete at her neck and someone attempting to rape her while her macho Georgie begged for HIS life and not hers ????
    I wonder what steps they would take the next day ?

  5. The real George Clooney has already been taken care of. He was executed at Gitmo several years ago for doing disgusting things to babies and children. That is not the real Clooney you see today.

    Also, I have said this before and will say it again. It is my belief that it was Stormy that tried to seduce Trump – not the other way around, making Trump appear to be the guilty party. There is always another side to every story. Don’t believe everything you hear. The White Hats have it all under control.

  6. Isreal bombed the unarmed civilians of Gaza for 9 months of 2021. Our media is sensored by Isreal, so we heard nothing about it. Isreal is rolling out a military occupation of the US in the form of “Police Training Centers” staffed by their military. It’s time for the opposition of Democrats and Republicans to end. We have to come together to get Isreal out of Congress and stop this military occupation that will happen by the end of 2025. Google “Police Training Centers” and how many are rolling out across the US. Stop the internal bickering. It started under Trump, and continued under Biden. We have much bigger problems. #ReplaceCongress. All of them.

  7. Mistrial. All the Jurors that were leaking information should all go to jail also. The judge should go back to Columbia. Corrupt, lying, cheating bastard. Just as bad as Obamadick and Obidendick. Our justice system is a laughing joke. These Democrats have really destroyed everything.

  8. It’s obvious that no one person can get us out of this nightmare happiness in this Country is 1 mil thick hatred has become a popular sport in the Country the black people I know don’t want to called black they feel it’s demeaning they feel it’s an insult to be called black as that lumps them in with black trash thugs jailbirds drug dealers and who knows who

  9. All Bribden supporters are crazy. Why won’t the DOJ release the Hur Tapes? You need to hear the real Joey Bribden as he was interviewed. Release the tapes, Garland!


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