Michelle Obama Announces Tragic Personal News – She Needs Our Prayers



I wouldnt vote for her. She has no qualifications. Being first lady doesnt give her any.

America won’t vote for another Obama period


  1. America would NEVER vote for a suspected Transvestite, a blatant anti-white racist, a shameless and immoral person. She marries a gay man, and she writes a Thesis on racism at Princeton.

    Stay at Nantucket and eat Michele, you are good at eating, nothing else.

    • Slick Willy you are wrong she is also very very good at lying, being a traitor to America and destroying schools, but your points are right on.

  2. Wasn’t she disbarred? Is there some law that precludes a person who is disbarred from running for any public office or at least the Presidential office? For years, many people believe she is a man per the body parts, per postings on the internet and media – shoulders as wide or wider than most men, narrow hips, above average height for male and Joan Rivers stated this effect somewhat on a media interview shortly before she passed away at a Drs’ erroneous surgery and malpractice; a very suspicious death of J.R. Also, nobody could find photos of the pregnancy. Most women are radiant to post photos of themselves pregnant and glowing and happy. Also, displaying much bitterness against the USA, and appears to be anti-American in the highest degree and this is unwarranted. It is sad to have anyone display that sentiment when one gained much from the USA, in the forms of various opportunities via education, profession as attorney, First Lady but is not grateful, has no grace, and, in public, never thanked the Lord, allegedly Christian, never was grateful to be born in the USA, nor feels that God or the USA offered anything. Never would win any elected office, not against Biden, not against Trump – not against anyone. Thumbs down. Eleanor Rosevelt as a Democrat woman would get my vote for her humanitarianism, genuineness, helping the poor and disadvantaged even though she was from wealthy background – if she were alive today. She had been highly esteemed by all as she loved the USA, was spiritual and grateful to God – and proud to be American to help America grow.

    • I am not sure if a disbarred attorney can run for president but I would think so, if a person with 34 convictions can run.

      • Wrong. Trump was convicted of 34 HOAX charges not real ones. It is not over yet and I believe all will be over turned and he will be cleared. After all you and all the democrats voted for a traitor and dictator.

  3. I know we should pray for our enemies, but this is a person who has no regard for Christianity, and regard for our country, and would slit your throat for being white. No thank you, it would be like praying for Satan.

    • You may consider praying the 35th Psalm for Barak, Michelle , Hilary , Peter BU[TT}lige , Nancy Pelosi , Steven A.Smith , Merrick Garland , Fauci , and so many others. This prayer works , and will when you least expect it. You must name the people then pray the psalm.

    • God says we should pray for our enemies that they would awake and receive him Sorry it lost it’s mom but that is life. Will pray for its salvation.

  4. It is an abomination for a king to commit wickedness, for the throne is established in righteousness.

    Proverbs 16:12.

  5. I have never heard so much false information before. What is wrong with these people?
    Check your facts! Who makes this stuff up?
    and who believes it???

  6. Michelle doesn’t have to run for president if she doesn’t want to. It will be the Main Stream Media who will run Michelle for president. They won’t be able to get enough of her. Newsmen like Chis Matthews will feel a tingle up their legs when Michelle speaks.

  7. Electing Michele is like electing her husband again as he would tell her what to do like he instructs biden. We don’t need another democrap in the WH that hates America and is a racist.

  8. This woman is not qualified for president,she is as racist,anti=white,anti=american,just like her muslum,american=hating,barry soetoro,the phony,president,that shouldn’t of been,but skated with lies,charm,bullshit,and stole the election,2nd time around.They both started the downfall of America,hidenbiden trying to finish the job.No one is beating Trump.


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