I just hope this country can survive until November. We need to get this lunatic out of office

Lowering gas prices won't change anything for biden to be Re-elected TRUMP 2024


  1. Now would be the perfect time for terrorists to strike. I know that sounds harsh, but we have no reserve fuel, these people have been let loose to plan their attack and if you think it’s not going to happen, think again. Biden has unleashed hell on this country, and it will bite him and his dirty dealing democrats in the ass.

    • I sure hope you’re right because right now I am sick to my stomach the same way I felt the day after election day when I was positive they rigged the election!

    • Colleen, Like your comment. I have been thinking the same about another terrorist attack. I hate to admit it but maybe it is inevitable. Before Biden slithered into the White House he made comments and was hinting what kind of slime he was going to be. Some people are acting surprised, I can truthfully say I’m not surprised at all.

  2. Biden should be convicted of treason, the oath he took before he entered office was to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic. Why isn’t he on trial for his dirty dealings with our enemies? He’s broken laws but says no one is above the law. That’s a crock of shit and everyone knows it. This moron needs to hang.

    • But because this administration is funded by the biggest and richest countries and criminals in the world, we are facing the consequences of a bought and paid for government. We need to be prepared, “the worst is yet to come”.

  3. I don’t know how these treasonous communists get away with all this lying and making up false charges- we need to join together those who are true patriots in this country and demand exoneration for the best president this country has ever known

  4. I’m concerned about those 20,000 Chinese that Bribem/O’Kenyan helped get across our southern border. China just doesn’t let you leave the country. Being former military, I easily can tell you many are CCP Troops. Are they saboteurs, Infantry? But after reading Peter Schweizer’s documentary, BLOOD MONEY about how Biden, Obama and Kerry with the aid of others, let Fentanyl into this country. Why haven’t heads rolled? Rigged courts and dirty hands as Americans die. Between 2013 and 2017 we lost more to Fentanyl than we did with 10 years in Vietnam. Money means everything to these quisling traitors!

  5. All people like you do is make unsuspecting, easily led others question their own ideas and decisions. Instead of telling it like it is, you try to hoodwink anyone you can to vote for that buffoon, Trump. He is anyone’s worst choice to do what is right for America. It’s too bad that you need a job so badly that you could be talked into being a shill. Tsk, tsk.

    • Hey Jane, it is too bad you are so deaf, dumb and blind !! You refuse to see what the communist Democrat party is doing to destroy America !! You swallow all the BS fed you and then try to look smart by parroting the bullshit!!
      Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID….” And people like you prove it daily ,!!
      By the way how many ILLEGALS have you welcomed to your neighborhood and HOUSE ?? I know the answer !! And it proves you to be a liar and a buffoon just like Bribem!!
      Typical ignorant, uneducated lib !!

  6. You know many things scare me. One is being in a special operations unit in a country with a small force and knowing if things went bad, absolutely nobody could come in behind us.
    Years later, I was at my place at the beach. I pulled up at a red light behind a work van. I noticed the bumper sticker. It read: BLIND MAN DRIVING.!!! Later I saw a commercial on TV about a nearby “window blind” company. So things aren’t alway’s the way you see them. And by the way, “I’m not looking for a job”. I’m just concerned about the country that I served, when I was at FT BRAGG, NC, not Ft Liberty. I think Alvin Bragg should get a name change. He isn’t worthy of the one he has. Maybe change it to Liberty, and Ft Bragg back to Bragg!

    • Thank you for your service and know there ARE patriots that support you and our country. We are not always out in the open, but we are there in the tall grass just waiting and watching.


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