Look Who They Just Caught On Camera At The Border



Hold those responsible accountable!

Their going to refuse to lose and attack within..this is treason


  1. Put her fat a– in jail where she belongs. She is corrupt through and through. The ones in power think they walk on water. I have never seen these women do anything without Biden’s support. What an election day.

  2. For those of you in Denial, NOW DO YOU GET IT ? As biden sits there asleep, our country is going to HELL … This is an INVASION, Boys & Girls, we are in deep trouble here.

    GO TRUMP, M A G A !

    • Yes go trump, go MAGA and go away as fast and as far as you can. We have have several attempts at a BIPARTISAN Immigration bill, but trump and his MAGAts have killed these bills. Biden was awaiting passage so that he could sign these BIPARTISAN bills.

      Who is responsible for these actions? Blame it on our PARTY OVER COUNTRY traitorous trump and his anti-American MAGAts, who would destroy this once great country to get what they want. So yes, GO TRUMP, MAGA and go as fast and as far away from us as you can, because we see through your traitorous deeds. MAGA is a disease and we all know it.

      • Tom, Your head is as clear as Biden’s. Like usual blame it all on President Trump. Biden was the prick who opened the borders HE made this mess happen because HE wanted to have the votes come election time. We all know he couldn’t get votes like he did last time… the dead people are eliminated. However he still could get people to fill out ballots from nursing homes where patients are senile and mail in ballots that are signed fraudulently.

        • Yes you are right. You did forget to mention that Mayorkas is enjoying the fact that he is the Border Czar and he is the one who left the border open for millions of them to come into our Country. He is the one who sits on his Laurels and tell Congress a bunch of Lies. He is the thief that Biden Hired to take care of the Border. Is he doing his job. Nope. The liar has done nothing but smirk and tell me to go to jump in the lake. Mayorkas says he only answers to Biden, so Sleepy Biden and just snooze away and then when he wakes up there will be more than 4000 people per day. Can you imagine 4000 people a day coming into America. They are all going to be eating the food for our Children and for our Grand Children.

  3. Send hundreds of busses to bidens house in Delaware, to NY, MARTHA’S VINEYARD, BOSTON! Overwhelm ALL DEMOCRATS sanctuary cities and states!! Let those bleeding heart stupid libs see what us border states are putting up with . Let their citizens scream and cry!!

    • Trump and his evil minions have killed several attempts to pass any kind of BIPARTISAN Immigration bill, just to make Biden look weak and ineffective. That is putting PARTY OVER COUNTRY, and that is traitorous in my book. SO SEND YOUR BUSSES TO trump’s FLORIDA ESTATE. If he wants to kill our hopes for some way to start to control our borders, just to have a bargaining chip to get reelected, then send these busses to Mar a Largo and keep them coming. Since trump wants to play dirty, then let him deal with the consequences of his actions.

      • Did you read the bill? I find we have to read everything today because you’ll always find it’s not what they are telling us. We have to look into everything ourselves.

      • President Trump left an extremely secure border…just listen to what the border patrol people have had to say about his success. Biden promptly reversed President Trump’s policies and created an OPEN BORDER. Any thinking person can compare the record of these two people. To fix the Border, Biden has had almost 4 years to reinstate the policies of the Trump administration. Meanwhile we have 9,000,000 undocumented invaders roaming around our nation. Make no mistake, this is a problem that Biden created and that Biden refuses to fix. Biden has had the power to make it right and he simply refuses to do so. His actions have been treacherous and have placed our nation in great peril. His most important task as a President of the United States is to uphold the laws of our country and defend our nation. He doesn’t. He has defied his Constitutional oath and continues to defy it each and every day of his Presidency.

      • You really need to pull your head out of your arse!! The Democrats and Biden shut down all of try policies concerning the border! When Trump was in office less than 2 million ILLEGALS came across!! Under the dip shit Biden over 10 MILLION have come across !!
        Only an utterly STUPID DEMOCRAT like Tom would cause Trump and Republicans for the border disaster!! You have proven you are utterly stupid concerning FACTS and can only parrot the BS fed you !!
        Hillary did say ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Your comments prove her 100 percent correct !!
        How does it feel to be as “useful idiot ” for the communist Democrat party??.

  4. Every democrat in american is responsible for this invasion. they need to have their homes marked and their families need to be held responsible for their murderous treasonous acts.

    There are no good, honest democrats. they are all part of the destruction of america. make sure to let each one of them know it.

    • NO. Both parties have been responsible and have done this intentionally since the 1950’s. If you think the GOP is opposed to the Democrat Party you are abjectly ignorant of US history since 1900. At no time has the GOP EVER reversed or repealed a Marxist item passed during Democrat periods of control and have always in fact ratcheted the pendulum leftward by compromising with the Dems resulting in more Marxist law and policy.

  5. How far back do you need to go to prove your damaged point. We don’t live in the 1900s. I was born in 1950, but I refuse to be blamed for what happened then. Most who passed or blocked laws during this time are DEAD AND BURIED. What we do have is what is happening now. And it seems that trump and his MAGAt minions are screwing us just to try to prove their damaged points and make trump look better. How does killing several attempts at BIPARTISAN Immigration bills help our country. It was done at trump’s decision to try to make Biden look weak, when he was ready to sign these bills. Why didn’t he sign any earlier? Because the Freedom Foundation and the MAGAts in Congress would not work on any bill that might make the Democrats look better. PARTY OVER COUNTRY is never a way to benefit anyone but trump and his MAGAt minions. This is so Anti-American. This is a real reason to vote BLUE in November. We need action and never reaction.

    • Vote blue?? Sorry Tom but only absolute IDIOTS would vote blue in November !!
      Under the communist Democrat party and Biden inflation is at all time high ! Gas at all time high!
      10 million ILLEGALS have crossed border because Biden stopped all policies Trump had in place !! ( Less than 2 million crossed in 4 years Trump was in office ) Crime is at all time high !! Want me to go on ??
      Vote blue??. Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Tom even Hillary called YOU STUPID! and you really are because you still support the communists !!

  6. O- Yes vote Blue in November, ARE YOU NUTS? YOU HAVE NO IDEA,, you are as clueless as the Democrats, Tom ,do you like paying more for Gas, food, everything you buy. All the illegals are going to milk us dry , Illegals will cost the American people Billions. You dont have to make Biden look weak, he does it all by himself. Biden is like Hitler, get us to rely on the government, take away our guns , so we cant fight back. You need to look back and see why they wrote the Constitution., And do not forget Biden is taking away Freedom of Speech.

  7. Vote Red, This country can’t afford and survive on Blue. Enough damage has been done. Vote Red to save our USA!!!


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