You Won’t BELIEVE What BlackRock’s CEO Just PREDICTED!!!



Xenophobic countries? What a clown.



  1. Having been born, raised, educated and worked in California, what California is today is just Mexico North. The “Hispanics” have gone from 10% to 20% to 50% to 60% to 80% of the State, with the greatest increase occurring in the last 5 years. If the Hispanics didn’t have the use of Trillions of dollars of Taxpayer monies to spend which spending benefits big box stores, they would be very poor, living in ghettos. I would rather have robots working than tens of millions of Illegals. This is why farming invested deeply in mechanization. Having more space, room, quiet and peace has great value. Being forced to deal with tens of millions of people, with whom one has no cultural affinity, who are all on welfare, get any job they want and produce broods of children who occupy the schools, parks and streets is awful. BlackRock bought up a large percentage of affordable housing to make billions in profits because HUD will pay them very high rents to ensure housing for all the Illegal broods. The Illegals are NOT paying their own rents, People!!!! You are.

    • CA is nothing more than a huge ghetto now with elite overlords. I was born and raised in CA but left in 1994 due to the cost of living. It has gotten far worse now. It was once a beautiful state that everyone wanted to move to now people can’t get out fast enough. I have family and friends still there and I hope one day soon they can also leave. The only way for CA to become the great state that it was once again is to fire all of the far left politicians and replace them with MAGA politicians who love CA and its legal citizens. The voting is very rigged.

    • and why RED states need to separate from this evil empire. The founders and Jesus both said to do so. Are you a good American? Have Christian beliefs? you should obey, or suffer in the near future. Ssocialism usually ends in mass murder, Amerika will be no different.

    • You are absolutely correct in everything you said here. But whenever I say something similar to what you said, I am called a racist.

      Heck, I’m sorry—but I don’t think it’s racist to expect people from a foreign country to enter the U.S. legally & then get a job & not rely on the government (us) to support them forever.

      • Also I find it infuriating when the comfort and care given to illegal aliens are always put above Americans who are also needy. In addition to expectation of no consequence for crime, every comfort met ASAP, they are quick to complain about the quality of food and shelter they are getting for 100% free. It is an unbelievable attack on America perpetrated by the President. God help us.

  2. Unfortunately…
    Susan is 100% spot-on! I hitlre legal immigrants and they are highly productive and are family men and are of the highest standard!
    LEGAL is the key and not by-passing the system! Pro-creation without any fear or concern of not being able to afford them is ridiculous. I have a son and a daughter and never got any help from the government. If you are illegal, you get rewarded for the children you birth, pay zero for hospital and doctors, free health care, free food stamps, free checks, free education, free rent in many places.

    WE welcome illegals and put them in front of our own LEGALS starving and homeless citizens!!!!
    This administration has lost it’s f-ing minds!

    • blame NOT the evil one for their actions, rather, the coward that will do NOTHING to stop the activity (stealing from you and wasting it)

  3. Talk about stringing one topic into another. Robotics are being developed to increase efficiency and reduce overhead. Overhead increases lead by Demokrat insistence of a minimum wage increase. It has NOTHING to do with demographics.


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