She’s Right: Black American Culture is Dying. Ghetto Black People Are to Blame.



When I hear people tell black people 'You sound white' it just makes me facepalm. It's like acting educated at all is a 'white person' thing. It's incredibly weird to me.

I'm black. Growing up I primarily lived with my grandmother. We did not have a whole lot when compared to the other kids, but, one thing we did have in my house were STANDARDS. I can remember being in the 6th grade and a friend of mine coming over. We remained outside in my front yard talking and laughing… Because I was so used to it, I did not pay much attention to the amount of profanity he used. So, once he left and I went back inside, my grandmother came to me and calmly said, "Don't let that boy come back to my house. All he does is curse." That taught me real quick, there were certain things that were not going to be tolerated in my home and ANYTHING does NOT go!!! I am now 40 years old. I am a college educated graduate , homeowner , and I have a career. Many of my friends and family members that were given "everything" and had far more laxed standards than I had in my house have done far less with their lives . There seems to be a huge correlation in how parents can destroy their children with a lack of standards and structure.


  1. tiresome there is no such thing as a black American he is an American of African descent the media loves separation of races things were getting better before Obama shows up the first black president never mind he was half white

  2. Black culture has been “eroding” for last “20 years”??? Really? Try LBJ and the “Great Society”. This was the EPICENTER for the erosion of black culture. Speaking black? Really? “Axe me dat agin”. Really? Thomas Sowell reveals this to be from a certain “WHITE SEGEMENT” OF ENGLISH CULTURE which was brought to the Appalachia area. When these people were going into the “Big Cities”, blacks were preferred over these “whites”. NO ONE wanted these drunkards , lazy , and fight at the drop of a hat cretins. Therefore , thinking you are speaking black , is actually POOR WHITE TRASH.
    “Uncle Tom” was in reality a HERO in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. It was “little black Sambo” who was the traitor.

  3. I agree but even white people are dirt poor I wore clothes that had patches upon patches but I also believe people that cuss show thier IQ level I don’t care what color you are I did not know racism until a black boy hit me because I was white racism goes both ways and I don’t want to hear it my great grandmother was a black German but I am considered white I don’t want to here people crying that thier black because white people live under the same persecution


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