Wow, Florida Just Declared A Massive “F*CK YOU” To Bill Gates



Who cares what the FDA SAYS!

I support Ron Desantis in this and pray a lot more states ban fake meat.


  1. I agree TEXAS should ban fake meats from bill gates he actually thinks the world is over crowded and wants to kill off people so do not trust him remember he’s the windows thief he is not to be trusted

  2. I refuse to eat anything fake that God put on this earth to eat. No fake meat, eggs, or anything else gates comes up with. He is evil incarnate!

    • Bill Gates is the mad scientist (he is not) we see in horror movies. always the mad scientist loses in the end. The little black book may be coming to social media pages soon and we’ll all know what a common pedo he is.

  3. In some respects laboratory-grown artificial meat is the idyllic “Star Trek” future of humanity. It offers the promise of an inexhaustible food supply for the world.

    But, like every other major technological advance, it must undergo a “shakedown” period in which the problems and shortcomings of it get worked out. Think of almost any other technology that’s currently in widespread use and acceptance . . . like the x-ray. When x-rays first became available, doctors used them for everything, and only later learned—by trial and error, mostly error—that taking excessive x-rays kills people. Now, x-rays, MRIs, etc. are used only under carefully controlled conditions, because we’ve learned their limitations and dangers.

    There’s no reason to believe artificial “meat” won’t undergo the same process. We’ll learn its side-effects and long-term effects the hard way, and eventually create a product that can be safely consumed. But, until then, there should be strict labeling requirements and long-term use studies before we allow it to become a fundamental part of our daily diet.

    Especially considering how often and consistently our government has LIED to us about product safety!!!

  4. Why is bill gates messing with food at all? why inst the FDA telling him he can’t do stuff like that? Europe won’t allow most of he usa food into Europe now that sure are not goign to let the bill gates fake food in. they also wont let the bill gates anti cow fart vaccine in.

    Bill gates needs to be in prison. confiscate all his assets and give he money to africa.

  5. I wouldn’t trust anything Bill Gates is involved with. His fake meat probably contains the same poisons the Covid vaccines had and he probably owns the FDA.


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