Get Ilhan Omar out of our Government of The United States of America
She's blatantly Anti-American. Get her out.
Get Ilhan Omar out of our Government of The United States of America
She's blatantly Anti-American. Get her out.
There has never been a civilization, or a nation referred to as “Palestine” and the very notion of a “Palestinian Arab nation” having ancient attachments to the Holy Land going back to time immemorial is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the world! There is not, nor has there ever been, a distinct “Palestinian” culture or language. Further, there has never been a Palestinian state governed by Arab Palestinians in history, nor was there ever a serious Arab-Palestinian national movement until 1964… three years BEFORE the Arabs of “Palestine” lost the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] and Gaza as a result of the 1967 Six-Day War (which the Arabs started). Even the so-called leader of the “Palestinian” people, Yasser Arafat, was EGYPTIAN! In short, the so-called Arab “Palestinians” are a manufactured people…a people with no history and no authenticity… whose sole purpose for existence is to destroy the Jewish State!
Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
WELL SAID! Yes and Yes.
Genesis 12:2-3 We are not a great nation anymore like we use to be. The POS in the White House raised the LGBQT flag. He is bringing in all these Muslims into the USA who have a religious obligation to kill Jews and Christians. We should have declared war on Saudi Arabia and Islam after the 9/11/2001 attacks. We should have wiped them off the earth. We didn’t because we want their oil money.
Personally, if Egypt doesn’t want these people why should Biden insist, we bring them here. Never, we have allowed too many already including the ones in Congress that swore their oath on the book from hell not the almighty bible that has been used to swear an oath to our country. They don’t abide our laws nor our Judea-Christian way of life. Send that bitch back where she belongs in the desert digging her way out. She’s nothing but trash along with the rest of that traitorous garbage in congress.
I don’t think that nasty little muslim terrorist is capable of much real thinking. So it is no big deal.
MAllen’s comment is absolutely true. Also, the Romans erased the name of Israel and changed it to Philistina, after the philistine
barbarians who occupied coastal land. The Philistine name morphed into Palestine.
Well said Colleen, send them all back. Sick and tired of all this bullshit in our country. Americans who fought for this country are losing their jobs and illegals are given money, free medical, housing, permits to work, AND bc money has to be cut from somewhere in order that the illegals can have homes, budgets are being cut and Americans are losing their jobs. I did not vote for those that “don’t give a dam about this country”, I only hope come November they all will be gone. God Help Us and Our Country. They want us to revolt that way they can declare Marshall Law and then we are definitely —-ed!!
There is a book, now at least a decade or more old, with the title, “The Death of Common Sense.” It is understated to say that ‘There Is No Common Sense’ in America today.
‘We,’ look in the mirror, have ALLOWED the invasion of our country by our existential enemies without firing a shot. Over 25,000 Chinese and 20,000 plus Russians, most are men of military age, have been ushered into America! With over 1.5 MILLION illegal alien “gotaways,” Americans can be certain that far too many of those will be from TERRORIST states. And, coming to a town, city, state, near you, B O O M !!
Call me an ‘Islamophobe’ because I do believe: “Islam is a caustic blend of paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone ‘prophet, who made no prophecies, conceived his religion to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money. He was a terrorist.” BibleProbe
We as Americans should and shall welcome Muslims Jews Christians and all other religions of the world. All those welcomes are for who you are not what to live side by side learning from each other not condemning because of our beliefs. Those whom are welcomed here should be “Invited” for who not what they are. The key word invited. Even the poorest of human beings have something to offer this great nation.
This was the dream of our forefathers. Whom had had enough persocution for their beliefs. They built this great nation to give refuge to those wondering the world looking for a place to practice their believes with out Hate or discrimination just common respect.
No damm Islam!
“Elections have consequences.”
We are witnessing them.
Future elections are coming up.
You might want to make sure
your “properly” vetted candidates
shares your American Values and
Not some other country’s !
The price being Your freedoms
that we seem to take for granted,
Won by our forefathers on Veterans Day payed with their blood 🩸.
I personally think all these protesters and Omar should be place on a plane and sent to Gaza since that is where their allegiance is. Their chants “Death to America” and “We are hamas” Says it all. Get rid of those that will be our next enemies fighting us in our homeland, America! Biden Do something for a change!
As more people with anti American sentiments come into our country
they are being elected into office by their comrades that want to bring
the US down.
Amen to that!
Send all these anti American people back to their countries, they don’t appreciate what this country offers so they should be sent packing to their own countries or anywhere except here. What the hell are these people doing in our Congress anyways? This dipshit Omar marries her brother and ends up in our Congress, this is bullshit to the max!!
Totally true! Why are these traitors still in the USA??? Arrest and deport them ASAP!
deport omar back to sudan. she came here illegally anyway.