BREAKING! Alvin Bragg Gets TERRIBLE News!!!



Bragg, James and Willis are a terrible example of the Judicial system and should have their licenses revoked.

Trump 2024 or we will not have a country


  1. He is not mentally capable of thinking on his feet or answering questions from any open press forum it’s got the point he even teleprompter XXXX UP’S readings and most times can’t find his way off plan events on stages why is this person still getting paid? He is a total joke and the laughing target of all..his mind gone never to return why are these terrorist lovers and supporters who has allowed Iran to gain so much wealth through oil sales to China etc and what idiot’s allowed so much of our tax payers money being given to Iran to feed their terrorist ways?Biden has lost his mind for it never to return,Trump will reelected and these lax democrats will be out and real law with order will return.

  2. We all need to be reminded that in EVERY case when violent repeat-offenders were arrested, that domestic terrorist (and, yes, we need to call him what he is) refused to charge them and hold them! And now the domestic terrorist is trying to hang Trump? LOCK HIM UP!!!

  3. All of the prosecutors, DA’s, AG’s and judges involved in these cases need to be thrown in prison for life and have all of their assets confiscated

  4. put braggs. james, engoron, Smith, willis and wade in prison for life, confiscate all their assets to pay for their prison stay.

  5. Never elect a black for any state or federal office, because, if they do not shit at the entrance, they will shit at the exit , dito by Jonas Sabimbi.

  6. Honestly , all of the bad liberals that are causing so much useless turmoil need to be incarcerated for life , with no parole! Biden needs to be incarcerated , along with most of his family , Obama arrested for causing so much turmoil behind the scenes . We Americans ( true Americans) are fed up with the direction we are headed in as a nation. Clean house !!!

  7. You people are NUTS. You want to put all these people in jail because you don’t agree with them, and they don’t agree with you. That’s what Hitler and Stalin did. I suppose some of you, the fools, would like that. …for awhile

    • Not because we don’t agree with them, but because they are in the process of destroying our country. You can’t see this? Even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can see this White House organized Kangaroo Court is nothing but O’Kenyan and Bribem Election Interference.

    • That is what the demoncrats are doing. Every wrong thing they say the Republicans are doing; they are the ones doing it.

    • It’s not a matter of disagreement it’s a matter of history and culture and freedom. History taught us about the failure of Rome with Immigration and why the collapse of the fiat money system in many countries, like Germany occurred. and why Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot killed Millions (Over 100 million)of people to create Central Command and total control. Better stick to our constitution and quit the bastardization as it is now practiced by Biden’s AGs


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