Jill Biden HUMILIATED After Embarrassing Photo Leak – Melania Is Classy at Fundraiser



Melania Trump = The greatest, most classy, most valuable, most beautiful inside & out FLOTUS of all time!! TRUMP 2024 ❤

Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady this country has ever had, inside and out. No doubt Melania will be our First Lady again.


  1. There is absolutely no comparison between our beautiful former First Lady Melania and Jill Biden. I don’t use the DR. as she isn’t a doctor of anything. She can’t even take care of her husband. I wonder if she ever gives any thought how crazy she looks running all over the stage when Biden wanders all over the stage. She is not a class act. It is a clown act and the world is watching.

  2. JEEZ, “doctor”, WTF!
    And what’s with those manly aviator sunglasses that Joke Biden wears to seem strong and forceful???

    Neither of you are!!

  3. Melania is so beautiful with a very passionate feeling for the American people. Love her and really want her back in the White House.

  4. You all make me sick! Trump is as low class as you can get! Never take’s responsibility for anything, always blames someone else! He thinks he is above all laws and has NO respect for anyone! Don’t know how he can look in the mirror! Don’t send me anymore if your opinions! I don’t agree with all Biden decisions but Trump cares about no one but himself!

    • Are you out of your mind. Joe Biden and his grifting family should take a look in the mirror, not Trump. Do you only listen to the talking heads on CNN, Msdnc, and the other overpaid hags on “The View”. Joe Biden is a crooked, racist old bastard that doesn’t have the common sense of a cockroach! You had better wake up before you get swallowed up.

    • You’ve GOT to be out of your ever lovin’ mind! You’ve got EVERYTHING backwards! Old Biden is for HIMSELF AND THE REST OF THE DRIFTERS. President Trump is for THE PEOPLE!!! You would be MUCH better off if you DID NOT listen to cnn & The STUPID VIEW.

    • If Trump cares about no one but himself, then please explain why he isn’t sitting back and taking things easy. He could use his affluence to have a lifestyle of pure pleasure. Instead, he is taking on a most corrupt set of leaders who have misused their powers to go after him. He loves America, and wants the best for the citizens. Remember, he’s the President who donated his entire presidential salary to different charities. Biden takes an extra 10% for “the big guy”.

  5. Jan is as another one of those the communist Democrat party calls “useful idiot” just repeats all the BS fed her by her masters
    ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated” Hillary


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