GM Just Announced Their Leaving America and Firing Their Workers



“They take the bailout from the government.”

The bailout was from the taxpayers,.

GM probably don’t mind if you never buy a GM car, since the government has already paid them from the taxes they stole from you.


    • another brilliant political move by the democrats. they cause massive inflation, increase taxes on everyone and then back the UAW getting a massive raise. the result is a 50% increase in costs in the USA.

      GM can literally lose half their cars sells and come out even moving out of america.

      Another disaster caused by the democrats.

      I can not believe there are people who are so stupid they would still vote for any democrat anywhere. you don;t have to vote republican. you can vote citizens party, libertarian, socialist, green party, or communist party. the democrats are just too screwed up to be voted for.

      • This was the first thing I thought, look at all the Businesses closed since Biden took office then they forced the Auto makers to get all in with EV’s that no one wanted, so while everyone’s hurting, Biden forces them into closing down. Voting for democrats is like voting for Communism we have only one good choice and he is being putting through Political torture, just because democrats know he is 1000% better, they cheat lie and steal to get what they want and they don’t care who dies or is hurt in the process!

          • Some people are just ignorant about what’s going on around them because they were indoctrinated and brainwashed in our illustrious education system. That was going on for decades right under our noses. They vote for Biden and the like because they don’t understand what America could really be like without the dipshitocrats in charge.

        • It is worse then voting for communists.

          Communists like Putin so not want their country to be destroyed. they just do not have enough intelligence to make the economy thrive. that is the problem with people on the left. they think that a centrally controlled economy will some how make them richer with less work.

          There do not understand that capitalism works because each individual is empower to advance their idea. if even 10% of the ideas work out then a lot of people have jobs and better standards of living. 350 million people thinking up stuff yields more opportunity that a couple million central control people thinking up stuff. you personally might not do better but on average most will.

          Biden’s 3 years of central control has led us to disaster. GM is just one example.

          • I agree with everything you said and I would add that a communist / socialist society causes people to give up on life. Being mediocre is not a common human trait. Example: I went to China a couple of times in 2000. We had a young man as our tour guide and interpreter throughout the trip. We were talking one day and he mention he had recently graduated from the university in Beijing with a Civil Engineering degree. I said to him that I bet he was excited about starting his new career. He nearly broke into tears when he told me he would probably never work in the discipline he loved. His English was too good and the government decided his career would be as a tour guide and interpreter. Can you imagine how hopeless that would make you feel? I started to get agrivated with him because I wanted him to stand up for himself! Then I remembered where I was. They shoot people for standing up for themselves there. Every progressive socialist in America should be rounded up and flown to China to stay for a year. If they survive a year they would come back different people. I’ve been to three different countries for extended periods of time and the only thing I wanted while I was there, was to get back to America and kiss the ground!

        • Well said! The Democrats represent the parasites in our society and they are busy breeding more of them to get their votes. Putting everyone on a government leash (welfare, medical insurance, social security, anti-competitive regulations, etc.) is the goal of these devils. Rob the taxpayer to buy the votes of the parasites. The Constitution would get in their way if the Supreme Court weren’t made up of government-lovers.

      • No, we don’t want people voting for communism. That’s what we already have, socialist communism. They can fill in a nominee like Mickey Mouse – on the other hand, not Mickey because that’s Disney which is communism also. They could vote for a dead person. After all, dead people vote for live people or semi alive, like Biden. They can vote for a fictitious person from a movie, TV program or a book. As long as the vote is taken away from Biden, et al. Why can’t someone fill in their own name in the write-in?

  1. Any taxpayer that buys anything from GM is very ignorant. They are saying that it is alright to screw me over and now I will reward you by buying your product. Like people that vote for biden and the rest of the criminal politicians.

  2. The taxpayers paid off the Union debt years ago courtesy Obama. None of the billions went to restructure GM. Now they bail out to Mexico. You can’t tell me Biden knew nothing about this. GM market share will crater now. Lots of luck to Auto Worker retirees and pre-retirement UAW workers. Screwed again by the Democrats. Bet they all voted for Biden!

    • Read the following article in its entirety:
      Vote NO on the UAW sellout contracts at Ford, Stellantis …
      World Socialist Web Site › articles › 2023/11/07 › auto-n07
      Nov 6, 2023 — At GM and Ford, only “temporary full-time,” not “temporary part-time,” workers are being rolled over after 90 days. At GM, there is no language …

      There are several articles on Google that say the same thing. Go Brandon.
      Missing: selloue ‎| Show results with: selloue

    • Well if your looking for it on CNN, MSNBC, NBC or any other democrat news site you will never ever see the truth you may want to start watching news with some truth in it, The democrat news either lies about things or they just don’t report them, I have seen this for the last 8 years!

    • Biden are you proud of your forced EV production now? are you proud of your forced union contract now?

      I bet the UAW is soooooooo proud of their union contract today. look at all the good they did for their follow communist union workers.

      Looks like once again real economics have trumped Bidenomics.

      Everything democrats touch quick turns to garbage.

      Now america gets all of mexico’s criminals and mexico gets american jobs.

  3. Anything not made in the United States should be taxed to he’ll in order to sell them in America including parts as well and Anything not made in America should be taxed to he’ll in order to sell it in America and American made stuff not taxed at all if our government can’t make it on our income tax then they have the wrong job and should be arrested for treason

  4. Thanks Democrats. we really did not want jobs in america. I am sure you can find somewhere to tax. maybe you can tax the Chinese workers in china.

    There has never been a democrat who understood economics and there never will be.

  5. i agree with Ray Doyle Nobody wants to listen they still vote for Biden and his crew they’re ruining America DON’T VOTE DEMOCRAT

  6. What are you bitching about the Unions force them to pay them a rate at fifty dollars an hour that a monkey could do. You union folks that laughed and danced that you hit the big one are losing your jobs do to greed of your union masters. My what a great thing they did for you. But now you’ll be lucky to get a job at Mc Donald’s because your job skills cost you everything because you are union stooges.

    • Biden are you proud of your forced EV production now? are you proud of your forced union contract now?

      I bet the UAW is soooooooo proud of their union contract today. look at all the good they did for their follow communist union workers.

      Looks like once again real economics have trumped Bidenomics.

      Everything democrats touch quick turns to garbage.

      Now america gets all of mexico’s criminals and mexico gets american jobs.

  7. “GM Just Announced “Their” Leaving America” . . . Do you mean “they’re” ? As in “they are”. If you’re going to be believed as a new organization, you need to at least use grammar check software, or hire reporters/copy editors that graduated high school😄

  8. The only people hurt here is the employees. GM has always hollersd about loosing money and then getting paid out by the Democsrates. Let them go and President Trump will put another manufacturing company in their plant.

    • Bud, sorry we have the same name, but we both think alike, so I don’t mind sharing. You are correct about GM, however, it won’t just hurt GM employees, but will cause a chain reaction, as GM does not make all their parts, they are manufactured and furnished by sub-contractors, so it will hurt millions of employees who work for the contractors. The Dems care, as GM carriers a lot of power and they realize these employees are going to move away from the Democrat Party, as the Dems have let them down and they will vote Republican and President Trump will either get GM to move back or set up another manufacturing company in their plants.

  9. Wut? About the ONLY thing we ‘Make In America’ today is vehicles. All of our ‘former’ World leading manufacturing base has become extinct. Our existential enemies have us by the throat. They can kill millions of us without firing a shot, just by cutting off our supply of meds. We don’t even produce Tylenol, China does!

    A scary thing happened on the way to WWIII. The primary reason we won WWII was that America could ‘outproduce’ every other country in the world. We pumped out thousands of ‘cookie-cutter’ Sherman tanks to remove those Tigers through ‘ATTRITION.’ That ability is LONG GONE. As noted, America is hanging by a thread on the ‘good wishes’ of enemies!

      • You are right and we constantly have food poisoning and other diseases which come from these fruits and vegetables, plus the covid vaccine which was brought to us by a foreign country that wants to take us over. We have got to get control of our country again or we might as well give up, lay down and die.

    • First off, Tylenol is mostly produced in the US and Canada. A small amount comes from India.

      You’re right about WWII. American steel mills changed up their dies and not only started pumping out tanks, they produced hand grenades, and bombs for the Air Force. Hell, during my time in the Army I had an M-16 made by GM and another made by Singer, the sewing machine company.

      Never count America out. We’re at our best when push comes to shove! If need be we can do it again. There are 247 Iron & Steel Manufacturing plants in the US as of 2023. And I’m sure they would gladly jump in and help with a war effort.

  10. 3 years ago we were the only self-sufficient Country in the world meaning if necessary we could get by on our own 3 years later we’re on life support what the hell happen

    • Biden and the Democrats is what happened. They were so crooked they paid off people who worked the polls and the programmers who programed the computers that counted the votes. The computer company is now bankrupt, thank the Lord. But the Democrats are doing everything in their power to keep a Democrat as President, so they can stay in power and keep getting richer. We will not survive another 4 years of Biden and Democrats. The life as we know it will be over and our children and their children will be in a communist country.

  11. I believe GM may now be owned by Chinese interest. I also believe that Joe Biden has an EV interested through corporate Taiwan. He is also threatening to use US military to back Taiwan against China who is going to invade because they are not getting taxes. So Joe Biden does not want to be taxed so he is going to fight China in their own Country to not have to pay taxes on a multi-billion dollar industry. If everyone in Missouri refused to pay their federal taxes, it would be the same thing if China sent in troops to block the feds from collection. Are we cattle, lets clean up our nation and get rid of our leech problem

  12. Well, Mr. Biden you just nailed another nail in our coffin. and all you so called U.S. Citizens, you must be very proud you voted him in office, so he could take us all back and into a communist country so now all you who think he has done such a wonderful job and we now have millions of illegal residence here to take care of, that will life off the government welfare. All who plan to retire, if you plan on social security you will be sadly disappointed as there will be NO social security payments for you, and those who are living on their social security now, you will be in community tents and being fed whatever is the soup kitchens special of the day and sleeping on cots. You worked all your life saving and planning on retirement only to find out the Democrats have given it all away to illegals that are living a much better life than you on your money. They have great housing, living in grand hotels, having their meals cooked at served in the hotel dining area, given cell phones, medical insurance and get paid $1,000.00 per month to spend any way they like, and not on groceries as they will have a credit card loaded with ample funds to pay for a large family, plus their children will be going to better schools with free lunches, all their school supplies paid for, transportation. You will have nothing to look forward too except paying for the government to hand out to foreign illegals who bring us dope, disease’s we eradicated many years ago and now they are back, killing our young and elderly, we have gang violence, you won’t be able to protect yourself or you family as your guns will be confiscated and the police won’t be able to help you as the criminals will be back on the streets before their paperwork is finished, our prisons will be empty, but that will be a great place to house our real citizens that were born and raised here, the one’s who paid all their money into the comfort and great health services for the illegals. Look around it has already begun. The only time you Democrats is when the government comes and takes you guns and money and homes. You will be moved out of your home so it can be turned over to the Cartel to house their officers and families while you sleep in jail cells and will be locked in at night so you don’t do something stupid like visit a local restaurant or go to a super market to gather what is left over from the guest that Biden and his bunch welcomed. I am already experiencing what it will be like, as I had my identity stolen back in October of 2023, by thieves in a foreign country and they have robbed me of everything I owned, cleaned out my bank accounts, maxed out all my credit cards, I can’t get a loan to help me and family survive, because these thieves had sent my credit scores into the big dark hole, I had a 800 credit score and now I have a 432 score. I have begged the bank and credit companies, as well as the credit bureaus to give me the information on the persons that applied for credit in my name and they refused, claimed due to the privacy act. I have notified all my credit card companies fraud departments and fought with them over charges that are not mine. I called the FBI to help and they refused as it is just a civil matter, but that if I find out who it is, they will investigate them. I called my local police to report the thieft of my ID, 3 different times and do you know how long it took them to respond to my calls, I don’t know either, as they have not returned my calls, in the last 7 months. Everybody I try to get to help, always wants to know did I call the police. I hired LifeLock to help with the monitoring and I have been able to locate one creditor that extended the thieves credit in my name and had to threaten them with charging them with fraud, and they argued that they had a signed application, which I told them the signature was forged, which they promptly send me an Affidavit of Forgery form, that I had to fill out and sign in front of a notary, which I did and sent it back, they immediately sent me a letter of apology stating the signature was forged and they would be letting the credit bureaus know to remove all the negative items they had sent to them from my credit history. I realize this is a very long reply, but you need to know what it is and will be like, it you continue to vote with the Democrats and especially for Joe Biden. If Biden gets back in as President, none of us that are living today will ever live to see our free world again, as it is already out of control and Biden keeps handing our benefits, jobs, money, etc. to the illegals who came here where they were living in a dump, not enough to eat or drink, clothes and they came here ant want every thing changed here, as they feel, we are not giving them what they deserve. Think and do something about it, vote Republican. You may hate President Trump, but he or someone like him is our only hope. Think about what you hate about him and I believe you will realize he loves our country and has the guts to stand up for our freedom and our future.

  13. Joe Biden did not win a damned thing he was installed into our
    White House on a Platter of FRAUD !
    No way in Hell did he get 81 Million legal votes !
    Joe Biden and his entire administration can go FiretrUCK themselves because they all are LYING TRAITORS !

  14. Gosh Biden are you proud of your forced EV production now? are you proud of your forced union contract now?

    I bet the UAW is soooooooo proud of their union contract today. look at all the good they did for their follow communist union workers.

    Looks like once again real economics have trumped Bidenomics.

    Everything democrats touch quick turns to garbage.

    Now america gets all of mexico’s criminals and mexico gets american jobs.

    Are you idiots silly planning to vote democrat?
    Doesn’t “I vote liberal” sound stupid today?

  15. Let GM go,
    I’ll bet their cadilac brand suffers a huge fail after the first Mexican escalades hit the market.
    but then again let them go, with no more taxpayer money at risk in the U.S.
    , let joe Eat the layoff’s personally, they align nicely with his philosophy of helping the foreigners first

  16. Grammar guys! If YOU’RE going to write for a living, make sure you use YOUR words correctly! Your title says “GM just announced THEIR leaving America.” You used THEIR incorrectly. It should have been THEY’RE, as in THEY ARE leaving America. I’m sure my punctuation needs work, but I don’t write for a living. Just sayin’. Cheers

  17. Under obiden, many companies are leaving cities and the country. Democrats can’t be that stupid. They choose to turn a blind eye to what obamabiden is doing to America. Obama is Muslim and only pretended to be Catholic to get elected. The world wide agenda of islam is to destroy America. Obama started that when he was elected president by extremely stupid people. He is bidens puppet master. Biden couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag on his own. Now many companies are leaving our country. Can’t say what I really feel.

    • I agree with everything you said except the “democrats can’t be that stupid” part. Yes they can be that stupid. Add to that the fact they have zero common sense and you’ve got yourself a real disaster! On top of all that, most are narcissist. When’s the last time you heard a liberal admit they were wrong about anything? Never, right? They will lie to your face because they think they’re smarter than you. Liberals, especially progressive liberals are damaged goods that can’t be fixed. But they can be replaced…

  18. How smart are we, we just let o-biden and his democrat regime continue to feed us crap and we continue to allow them force it down our throats.
    Jefferson put it very well “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of PATRIOTS and tyrants” , I believe that time has arrived.

  19. This GM decision reflicts again china first joe biden is killing our Country.
    This guy is to sick to old and to stupid to continue,,,Biden’s elevation of terrorists and illegals along in conjunction with the democrat party an the DOJ’s two tier justice system have sent our Country back to the dark ages in their actions. We have an old man whos is trying to hold on to a position he is not qualified to manage his 50% or half time persidency no longer enable him to govern especially from a mental and phsically . Where is the complete and full medical report that he mentally fit to serve? Where is the doj report from the special prosecutor report of his failing interview and the fact he did commit all those illegal actions with top secret papers.? Joe biden is not in control of the prseidency and worse yet is causing more harm to American here and abroad. If biden is impeached corruption ok then must be voted out to save America…..

    • Voting for democrats is worse then voting for communists.

      Communists, like Putin, do not want their country to be destroyed. they just do not have enough intelligence to make the economy thrive. that is the problem with people on the left. they think that a centrally controlled economy will some how make them richer with less work.

      There do not understand that capitalism works because each individual is empower to advance their idea. if even 10% of the ideas work out then a lot of people have jobs and better standards of living. 350 million people thinking up stuff yields more opportunity that a couple million central control people thinking up stuff. you personally might not do better but on average most will.

      Biden’s 3 years of central control has led us to disaster. GM is just one example.

  20. Voting for democrats is worse then voting for communists.

    Communists, like Putin, do not want their country to be destroyed. they just do not have enough intelligence to make the economy thrive. that is the problem with people on the left. they think that a centrally controlled economy will some how make them richer with less work.

    There do not understand that capitalism works because each individual is empower to advance their idea. if even 10% of the ideas work out then a lot of people have jobs and better standards of living. 350 million people thinking up stuff yields more opportunity that a couple million central control people thinking up stuff. you personally might not do better but on average most will.

    Biden’s 3 years of central control has led us to disaster. GM is just one example.

  21. The basis of this story looks flawed to me. Yes they are firing two top people. Nothing I found so far says that GM as a company is leaving the US. If DJT is re-elected you can be certain that every business that is hurting America, will pay a heavy price. I would not be surprised if they hire workers with false identification inside the US though.

    • Gm has been building Buick cars in China for some time. Worse yet, they got very high ratings on their initial quality. Must be a great money maker for the company. Most of our American tire brands are making tires in China. Give some of the credit to those unions that never have and never will get enough. Its time unions learn there is a limit to how much a company can pay for labor and still remain in business. I find it interesting that those foreign car companies now assemble and build some of their cars in the USA. Are they just that much smarter managers? Maybe the unions will catch up with them too and force them to close. Lets all hope the companies and the union leaders can wake up while there is still some manufacturing left in the US.

  22. This is all the fault of joe biden and his band of unAmerican misfits first Ford now GM Joe Boden is an American story of treason and greed,This
    family has sold out American for personal family financial gain.His china first policy in all things and American last is their downfall piss away all the tax payers money 35 trillion in debt and they just don’t give a xxxx while guess what it’s all coming to a head.BIDEN HAS BEEN THE DOWN FALL OF ALL AMERICAN INDUSTRIES VOTE HIM OUT AND THEN HOLD THEM FOR THEIR ACTS OF TREASON……….

  23. One of the founding fathers said that “People Get Government They Deserve”!
    Biden and communist democrats are good proof of that saying!!!

  24. how’s that bidenomics working out for you?
    p.s. there is no such thing has an economic system that works from the bottom up or middle out. The democrat are teaching you that right now. are you learning?

    If your a democrat support you are not.


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