Victor Davis Hanson: This is deliberate




It is deliberate, and pure evil.


  1. This is what happens when people vote without doing research on a candidate demonrats have always been the same when I was a teen they were letting drunk drivers who hurt someone while driving drunk they awarded them with just probation just to repeat the crime I am completely disabled now because I was a victim of a drunk driver actually I was his third victim and he got out to do it again demonrats keep getting worse yet people vote for this like they want to suffer Americans love to suffer or they would stop voting demonrats

  2. of course it is deliberate. the dmeocrats are always evil. they have been since the beginning of he party. their KKK roots and behavior runs deep.

  3. Victor David Hansen is a brilliant man and a true patriot. I have listened to his lectures and watch him on TV whenever Laura or Jessie have him on. He is trying to tell us the absolute truth but nobody with that hellish party will listen, until it’s too late!

  4. The internal destruction of America by the Commies started long before FJB stole the 2020 election. At George Soros’ direction, obama really got it going and implanted Soros people in every federal agency (Deep State) to facilitate the agenda at every level of government. Trump was an anomaly. He wasn’t supposed to get elected. That put a hold on their plans. That’s why they expended so much effort to eliminate him. They rigged the 2020 and 2022 to make sure he didn’t re-surface. 80% of FJB’s administration are carry-overs from obama. Notice the unprecedented persecution by the Deep State to ruin Trump and his supporters. Their propaganda media actively pushes their agenda day and night. We let it happen in the name of ‘Political Correctness’, ‘Wokeness’ and ‘Working across the isle’. Look what happened.

  5. Got a good brochure today. It’s called Disparate Thinking is Destroying Our Civilization. It is an IMPRIMIS writing. Different subject every month. Free. I make copies of this one and others and pass out at schools, colleges, businesses, or put on car door handles in parking lots. It is legal. The main point debunks the idea that any disparity in any race is racism. Meaning, every job, jail, school, college, etc. must have the same number of blacks to whites. Asians to blacks, Etc. Airline Companies. The list goes on. Today, Medicine is characterized by white supremacy. It’s bull. Qualifications. Victim hood is happening. Grow up. Work at things. I cannot do this or that if I do not work at it. Why should I be awarded based on skin color? Or barred? It’s called earning it. Life isn’t fair. People will always find a flaw. The Biden Administration seems to have this mindset. People are not owed anything. You work to get it. I, and others did. If you are lucky, you can inherit. The bull about paying your fair share. Rich people do pay. It trickles down to employees. If their taxes go up, people under them does. Politicians and bureaucrats could use a class on business. Or actually work for living. Instead of stealing taxpayer money. Mismanagement seems to be a regular thing in these people’s minds. No leadership skills. Irresponsible with everything. Look up countries that run like this. Socialism, Communism, Marxism destroys things. Well, the last three years show I am right. Get and pass those brochures out. NEWSMAX and The First News are the best. Mainstream Media is run by the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. Fact check everything the y put out. They all spat the same garbage day in and day out. Blame Trump and others for their screwups. Arrest a lady praying at the Capitol. That says it all. Jesus died on the cross for all. But, you must repent and be Baptized in order to know God. One breathe away from eternal Heaven, or eternal hell. Pray in Jesus Name. Then God gives understanding through the Holy Spirit. It works. Being ignorant and hateful is from the devil. Why would God help people that deny and are ignorant? He will not.

  6. This country needs a man with a strong and clear mind, an strong hand that would not be surrounded by a “bunch” of “bailarinas” that
    cannot even dance the tango.


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