MSNBC Soy Boy CLAIMS Jesus Doesn’t Love “MAGA Christians”



You should never mock God. That guy is incredibly off his rocker.

I’m black, and I’m MAGA. I am a Jew. These politicians never cease to amaze me.


  1. The Democrats are a party of corrupt Satanist’s and they will pay for what they have done to the country on judgement day

  2. The fool better hope there isn’t a God. Not after a racist stupid rant like the one he just did. A real God would make him suffer for his telling of God’s words in vain like he did. He surely is talking for God or of God’s ways. More like the anti christ if you ask me. But then he is a democrat and sold his soul to them for the money so …. guessing he should dress for damn hot weather in the after life.

  3. It is easy to see that this person does not know Jesus or God. If he did, he would know that God says, “thou shalt not kill”. “Thou shall not commit adultery”. “Thou shall have no other gods before me”. And that’s just a few of the 10 Commandments he should learn.
    Abortion is killing.
    Jesus also said if a man Lay’s with a man is an abomination, And he shall not enter Heaven.
    Jesus said it’ll be easier for an. elephant to go through an eye of a needle, then a rich man to get into heaven.
    Jesus talked to many, many people, even the Prostitute at the water well, and he told them. I heal thee “Go and sin no more”.
    Maybe if this guy knew what the definition of sin. or the definition of illegal was.

  4. Disappointed you felt the need to criticize Catholics…do some research before you spew such hatred… just as we are entering lent.. I will pray for you.. maybe I will continue to listen to you.

  5. no one on MSMBC has a clue what religion is other then the leftist religion. They are so stupid about it that they do not even know they were written about 2000 years ago: faults prophets.


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