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2 Million NYC Homes Will Go To Criminals… Why?

2 Million NYC Homes Will Go To Criminals… Why?



I had a neighbor moved into an apartment in my building. Criminal record for abduction and drugs. Whilst he was there he was dealing, communal bits were damaged, vandalised and stolen. He was then put away for a while for kicking a puppy to death. The council kept his tenancy open and he moved back in after release. Drug dealing continued, all sorts coming in. Then one day he fled, leaving his pot plants and samurai swords in the reception. Next I saw he got 14 years for the rape and false imprisonment of a vulnerable young woman in her own home. I know where I stand on this issue.i

I was a landlord in Florida for 25 years and I have had my fair share of bad tenants. If I was not allowed to do a background check then I would not use a rental agency and rent the apartment out myself. I would use word of mouth to get excellent tenants and even charge a few hundred less if I knew they were going to be good renters. In the long run this new law will only make it more difficult for potential renters to find apartments because landlords will find a way to work around it.

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